You were my dream come true.


Hi. Here’s a peak to my life. Trying to get over the past.
Scram if you wanna bitch. Life’s a karma.
I love walking in the rain as no one can see me crying.

Clarabelle. Sweet Sixteen. Sept Baby.
Libra. Dancer, for I dance to live with no regrets.

Single, but my heart’s broken. Nothing left to fight for.

TeenTop's Concert | Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette | Ipod Pad Mini | DC/Nike Kicks | Myuk Wallet | Water Bottle | New Earpiece | Beats Speakers | VS Perfume | DC/NewEra Snapback | Sephora Brush Set

Daily Dose of Me

Recent Posts

Never did I expect that.
Sweet 16.
Shooting Stars.
Meant to be.
July gone as quick as the wind.
Hey June.
Now you know the truth.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 | Posted by Belle | 0 comment/s
我们就这样结束了。我这几个月来的努力到底是为了什么?不管怎样试着不去想,现在心还是很痛。但是在怎样不舍,也已太迟了。你已经不属于我的了。那些如梦一般的日子,感觉上好遥远。好想念你的笑声、你的眼神、你的味道、你的……全部。真的好想念你。想回到过去,试着让故事继续。至少不再让你离我而去…… 现在,有再多的牵挂都已没有权利表达。碰到你感觉上就如陌生人一般。我真的累了。不能不去想你,但你再也回不到我身边…这样的深夜眼泪要怎样不留下。